Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If a girl has short nails, should she wear nail polish or not?

In general, nail polish or no nail polish?

Sanks :)If a girl has short nails, should she wear nail polish or not?
I have short nails and never wear nail polish because I think anything besides a french manicure on short nails looks tacky. If you have short nails, you should shape them so they're rounded and put a coat of clear polish on them. Or you could get tips and have your nails done.If a girl has short nails, should she wear nail polish or not?

Well, I don't normally like the look of polish on my nails, I always keep them short.

Then look stubly and tom boyish.

Nails don't take that long to grow out.

Let them grow just a little bit, they'll look more feminine.

Then you can clip them right back down when you're over the whole polish thing.
does it matter

i like nail polish on short cuz then they look less boyish

let em grow out then take the nail polish off and get a french :o)
it doesn't matter if you have short r long nails

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