Thursday, December 3, 2009

Whats that in my nail polish?

I've noticed that in many of my nail polishes, if I hold it and look a the bottom, theres like, this little tiny silver ball that sinks to the bottom, and if I turn it on its side, it'll sink to the side, ect. Anyway, what is that? Have any of you noticed? Is it supposed to be there? What is it?Whats that in my nail polish?
It's so when you shake it, it will make the nail polish smooth. It helps mix it together of course :) So shake before you use it.Whats that in my nail polish?
its so when you shake it, it will mix the nailpolish around because nailpolish glitter sinks to the bottom and the oil is usually at the top and you want your nail polish to be an even mixture
it's a mixer ball - sometimes there's several. they are there to mix up the nail polish better when you shake it so it applies more evenly
it's suppose to be there.

it is to help mix it up.
its there to help mix the polish when you shake it

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