Thursday, December 10, 2009

What's causing the little air bubbles in my nail polish??

This happens a lot, not all the time but quite often. I apply my nail polish and when it is completely dry I notice small bubbles have developed in it.

I apply 2 coats and I don't lay it on too thick. Also, I don't use cheap nail polish.

Whats causing it and how can I stop it form happening in the future??What's causing the little air bubbles in my nail polish??
';Bubbles may be caused by insufficient drying time between coats. If polish does not dry thoroughly between coats, solvents can push up through the top coat, forming tiny bubbles. Bubbles may also form when polish is applied too thick. The solvents will not evaporate as quickly as they should and will be trapped under the next coat of polish, forming bubbles as they try to escape. Also, vigorous shaking of the polish bottle creates bubbles in the bottle and are picked up by the brush and then transferred to the nail. Always shake bottle gently or roll between your palms. Any influence which makes polish dry unevenly can also cause bubbling (for example, high humidity, low room temperature or hot sun).';What's causing the little air bubbles in my nail polish??
dont shake your nail polish.doing so will make air bubbles in the polish. roll it between your palms instead to mix it.
It doesn't matter which brands you buy for nail polish. It might be because you haven't let the first coat dry enough. Next time, let your nail dry fully until you apply the second coat.
your nails are uneven and the surface is not smooth, air gets trapped and makes bubbles,

smooth your nails up with a buffer before applying nail polish

you can rub them with a little bit of alcohol to clean any greasy element before applying the nail polish , that always helps!
get new nail polish it's probably old
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